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Membership Application

Our organization strives to help you acquire the specific skills you need to perform your role in your facility. We do this through our spring and fall conferences which provide up-to-date training and continuing education units (CEU’s). We publish a quarterly newsletter that gives news and information relevant to social work professionals working in long-term care. Our discussion forum allows you to ask pertinent questions and receive practical advice from your colleagues. Finally, our membership directory offers a source of peer support for networking and for sharing both the professional challenges and rewards of working in long-term care.


Regular membership is $75.00 per year, with the year ending on December 31st. Retiree and student memberships are available for $35.00. Apply online below:


 Ceci Johnson, Executive Director

1040 Market Street

Carlisle, IA 50047  |   515-682-7907

© 2023 by LTCSWI

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